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October 2024 – april 2025

Nordic Media Programme NMP supports growth of personal leadership and leadership of change through major changes of ways-of-thinking and operating in Nordic newsmediahouses. The role of NMP is to provide a context and a network of-peers for leaders to develop their thoughts of purpose, plans for action and how to engage their organisations in current or imminent changes at hand. To date, more than 150 alumni of NMP are active leaders on various levels in the companies.

The signature element of NMP is that we dedicate an exceptional amount of time for participants to work together to solve challenges of leadership and change they bring with them to the workshop. The problem-solving, innovative work is triggered by compelling questions and supported by learning-coaches experts in different aspects of leadership and change.

We welcome you to read more about NMP below and consider signing up for this leadership quest!

Looking back at NMP 27 I can only describe it as a really special experience. The different sessions were challenging and gave me an opportunity to reflect on personal growth and try to understand how to become the leader that I want to be in the future. My biggest takeaway is all awesome participants that I got to know during the program and that I now call them my friends. I strongly recommend joining the program.

Carl-Oskar Westman
Head of development
Gota Media AB


NMP is a Leadership Programme and a Programme for Change.


  • Develop your insight and competence for exploring customer contexts and behavior
  • Improve your capacity to co-create, formulate and communicate purpose and strategy
  • Be better prepared to lead company culture and teamwork to create better work practices
  • Discover ways to help employees develop their way of working and be better team- workers
  • Develop your view for the future of your personal role and work as a leader
  • Be inspired and be in dialogue with other leaders in order to refine your personal vision


NMP is for leaders with a drive and desire to renew and improve current ways of working and performance. And who want to challenge themselves.

NMP is not a beginner’s course in Leadership, but it will benefit leaders interested in change and renewal regardless of their years of work experience.


NMP 29 logo
PREPARATION: Self-evaluation and goal-setting with the coach

WHEN: August – September 2024 (online)

Getting ready.

In order to prepare for the Programme, we will help you take a closer look at yourself and your team. After this interview, we will help you identify personal goals to focus on during the Programme. The NMP Team will also develop the subsequent sections of the programme based on this information.

WORKSHOP MALMÖ: "Understanding Consumers - Growing with Customers"

WHEN: 2-4.10.2024

WHERE: Malmö, Sweden

In this workshop, participants strengthen and add to their view of the situations of the customers, how they are changing and the role of the newsmedia-house in the customers lives.

The core of the workshop consists of work on a “live case”, a current challenge of customer insight presented by leaders of Sydsvenska Dagbladet in Malmö.

Participants will discover ways in which customer perspective can be explored deeply by their companies and teams.

WORKSHOP OSLO: "Leading by Purpose, Meaning and Strategy"

WHEN: 20-22.11.2024

WHERE: Oslo, Norway

In the workshop, participants are challenged to refine the stories, narratives of meaningful change and purpose that underpin their leadership. The workshop will build further on the insights gathered in the first workshop, in collaboration with Norwegian media-organisations.

Approaches for engaging strategy-work are explored and discovered by input from different industries.

WORKSHOP HELSINKI: "Leading and Managing Change from Within"

WHEN: 5-7.2.2025

WHERE: Helsinki, Finland

The participants will develop hands-on solutions for improving work and performance in their teams ‘from within”.

The core of the workshop will form around challenges of leadership presented by each
participant. The workshop builds on the notion of “leadership-clinique” in which each participant is supported in development by a team of fellow participant-leaders.

WORKSHOP COPENHAGEN: "My Personal Leadership Quest"

WHEN: 26-28.3.2025

WHERE: Copenhagen, Denmark

In the last workshop of NMP, participants will explore their personal journey of past, present and future leadership.

The workshop builds on extensive, structured self-reflection and dialogue.

Registration and Pricing

Early-bird application, by 28th June, 2024: 6600 euro/person (excl. VAT)
Standard application, by 31st August, 2024: 7500 euro/person (excl. VAT)

The participation fee includes tuition. It does not cover costs for travel, hotel accommodation and meals. These costs will be carried directly by the participants at the venue for each workshop. Based on data from earlier NMP-programmes the costs for conference meals, hotel accommodation (3 nights) and travel amounts to approximately 1000 euro/participant.


Let us know if you are interested in joining NMP!

Expressing your interest will not commit you to anything, but we will be in touch and answer any questions about the upcoming programme. NMP is a challenging programme for those committed to building the future of the news media industry. Here you will find all the tools you need and the network that will help you reach your goals.

The journey starts today!


Subject specialists, coaches and practitioner leaders will participate in each workshop. For information contact programme leader.

Program leaders and Learning Coaches


Programme Leader
Leadership and strategy development

Camilla Alperi

Learning and leadership coach

Dr Tellef Raabe

Researcher on media business and strategy

Ralf Blomqvist

Customer thinking

Stina Palmqvist

Coaching for leadership development

Selected presenters and specialists consulted

Dr. Henrik Blomgren

Customer perspective

Dr. Therese Grohnert

Team learning

Ida Ebbensgaard

Articifical Intelligence 

Dr. Patrick Furu

Strategy and leadership


”NMP is a fantastic opportunity to take a step back and reflect on your leadership and on what’s ahead. NMP simply makes people better, with the help of good facilitators, inspiring speakers, not to mention the interesting group work with colleagues from other parts of the media industry – all working with the same challenges and opportunities.

The learnings and exciting ideas gained here give energy. And on top of everything – a network and friendships I hope will last a lifetime.”


Daniel Nordström
Editor in Chief and ansvarig utgivare,
VLT, Norrtelje Tidning, Länstidningen Södertälje, Nynäshamns-Posten,
Arboga Tidning, Bärgslagsbladet, Fagersta-Posten och Sala Allehanda.

NMP 25 was an exciting and educational time for me. I strengthened my strategic thinking, gained deeper insight in the digital transformation and, most importantly, gained a fantastic network of colleagues from the different Nordic countries.”

Kasper Krogh
Managing Editor

NMP supports development by provoking and inspiring participants. The intensive group discussions challenge you to question old beliefs and structures, and as a participant you really have to re-evaluate yourself as a leader as well as the role of the media industry as a whole. It is both useful and mind-boggling, at times even confounding, but the experienced coaches make sure the direction is always forward. The network and connections created between us participants are an extremely valuable added bonus. NMP gave me renewed strength to take on upcoming challenges.

Kristina Bingström
Editor in Chief and publisher

“For me NMP 25 was a fantastic journey. Thanks to the great speakers and workshops I developed deeper insight into the challenges that media houses face today. Moreover, I gained new friends and a broad network in other Nordic media houses. Most importantly, however, NMP gave me the tools I needed to take the next step in my career.”

Nina Dahlbäck
Assistant Editor in Chief and Publisher

”NMP broadened my understanding of the challenges that the industry is facing and the programme was valuable to me for many reasons. Inspiring speakers, a methodology that created insights on e.g. business development and personal leadership. And last but not least, a valuable network of colleagues who share the same challenges as me. Pure gold!”

Catrin Ljung
Chief of Ad Sales
Borås Tidning


As opposed to traditional leadership programmes, the NMP-sessions are not filled with endless powerpoint presentations. In NMP time is dedicated to co-working on solutions and finding answers that will serve all participants. The learning process of challenging with questions and taking part in dialogue is lead by experienced and passionate coaches, firestarters, knowledge creators and researchers in the fields of leadership, customer relations, society and media.


NMP is an intensive learning process that builds on collaborative knowledge-creation and question-driven learning. The process is driven by good questions and in each sessions participants are challenged to develop their own questions relating to the the theme at hand. We work together on each others questions – knowledge is created through dialogue.

The starting point for creating engagement and dialogue in the sessions is found in concrete questions posed by leaders in different organisations. Armed with new tools, concepts and research results our participants go about creating their own understanding of and answers to the questions presented. An important aspect of the knowledge-creation process is leaving the meeting room in order to visit, observe and interact with reality. NMP not only develops participants’ understanding of the themes discussed. In NMP we put great emphasis on supporting the change that participants are working on in their own organisations. Going from understanding to real action requires hands-on experiences and a desire to use the new tools in practice.